The proposed three-year CUES Fellowship project, Simulated Clinical Time Travel and Augmented Intelligence to Prevent and Manage Patient Deterioration (July 2022 – Aug. 2025) will develop and evaluate the feasibility of new clinical simulations that allow individuals and teams to travel back and forth in simulation-time (sim-time) along the trajectory of patterns of patient physiologic deterioration. Clinical simulations provide powerful immersive experiential learning environments that allow learners to develop competencies without risk of harming actual patients. Sim-time travel will support learner trialing of multiple treatment choices and opportunities to go back in sim-time to correct mistakes while compressing events that usually occur over many hours into scenarios lasting one to three hours.
Over 20 years ago the Institute of Medicine identified the grand challenge of preventable deaths due to medical errors. Prior to COVID-19 becoming the leading cause of death in the United States (Cox & Amin 2021), medical errors were estimated as the third most common cause of death (Makary & Michael, 2016). Failure to Rescue (FTR) deteriorating patients is one error type. The project will use emerging technologies (VR, MR, AI) to develop Complex Adaptive Competencies needed to identify, prevent, and manage patient deterioration. The project will enhance University of Arizona Health Sciences students’ readiness to prevent FTR events and improve patient survival.
The principal aim of this project is to develop and evaluate the feasibility of new sim-time travel simulations that use emerging technologies to prepare inter-professional healthcare teams to identify, prevent and successfully manage patient deterioration. University of Arizona Health Sciences (UAHS) students attending the final courses of their respective programs will be invited to trial these high-risk patient-centered simulations.