The Presidio San Agustín del Tucson Museum is a re-creation of the Tucson Presidio built in 1775. It is a cultural tourist attraction in the heart of downtown Tucson that allows visitors to travel back in time to learn about life as early Tucsonans would have lived it. Docent tours discuss life in the Santa Cruz Valley for early Native Americans, Presidio residents and Territorial Period settlers. See the archaeological remains of a pit house, walk along the original Presidio wall and experience a 150 year old classic Sonoran Row house. Re-enactments and demonstrations occur on a variety of days.
In partnership with the Center for Digital Humanities, the Presidio Museum has developed a 360 degree virtual tour of the Presidio complete with residents of the time period. With a VR headset, virtual visitors are able to listen and watch Tucson’s early residents as they share medical practices, military drills, blacksmithing tips and more. Children are also featured doing chores and playing period games.