Mapping Race in the Classics

We are mapping the way to diversified classics

This is a study on diversity in Classics. It involves collecting and visualizing demographic data on students and faculty in Classics and is intended to make the diversity situation in Classics clear, to inspire concrete plans of action for diversifying the field and its practitioners. Your voluntary responses to this 5-10 minute survey will facilitate the collection and visualization of data that might precipitate and/or inform diversity initiatives in Classics. A sample of how survey responses might be visualized is embedded in the survey itself and can inform your decision to submit or not submit your survey responses. We are all familiar with the racist incidents at the 2019 meeting of the Society for Classical Studies and are hopefully all in favor of adopting an anti-racist mission for Classics. Part of such a mission involves the collection and publication of meaningful demographic data. Your participation in this survey will help advance this mission.


Survey Results

Data visualizations in progress, the results (with legend) are available for download below.

About the Researcher

Arum Park

Arum Park

Assistant Professor, Religious Studies & Classics, University of Arizona

Arum Park worked at Amherst College, the University of Oklahoma, Washington and Lee University, and Brigham Young University before coming to the University of Arizona. Her primary areas of research are Archaic and Classical Greek poetry, but she has published or presented papers on authors ranging from Hesiod to Longus.
